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EndNote Tutorial

Frequently Asked Questions

I installed Cite While You Write, but it isn't showing up in MS Word. What should I do?

After following the installation instructions on the Overview page of this guide, you should see a new tab added to the taskbar in Word labeled EndNote.

EndNote tab in Word

If this is not visible, follow these steps:

  1. In MS Word, click File.
  2. Click Options.
  3. Choose Add-ins from the left menu.
  4. If you see EndNote Cite While You Write listed as Inactive continue with these instructions. If you don't see it listed at all, your installation did not work and you should try installing again. Make sure all instances of Word are closed before installing the CWYW plug-in.
  5. Click the Go... button next to the COM Add-ins drop down.
  6. Make sure the check box in front of EndNote Cite While You Write is checked.
  7. Click OK.
  8. EndNote should now appear on your taskbar.
Why is the same citation showing up multiple times in my bibliography or has various versions in my footnotes?

You have a duplicate citation in your EndNote Account and you have inserted both versions into your paper.

Check for duplicates in your EndNote account by going to Organize and Find Duplicates. Delete one version from your account. You may also need to remove and replace those citations in your paper with the correct version.

I don't see any of my citations when I click on Insert Citations in Word. What's wrong?

You need to search for one of your references before any will show up. Enter a keyword from the source title or an author name into the Find My Reference in EndNote box and click the Find button. Your reference(s) should appear.

Cite While You Write is not Working on my Mac.

Use these instructions to check the connection. If it's still not working, try these instructions.