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EndNote Tutorial

Create an Annotated Bibliography in EndNote Web

Use this method to create an annotated bibliography of sources from a particular group. Annotations should be added to the Research Notes field.

  1. Add your annotation to the Research Notes field in EndNote
    1. Click on the title of a citation in EndNote Web to bring up the Edit Citation page
    2. Make sure empty fields are showing by clicking Show Empty Fields on the top right
    3. Research Notes is at the very bottom of the page
  2. Add all the citations for your bibliography to the same group.
  3. Click on Format and then Bibliography.Select Format and Bibliography
  4. Choose the group you want to use for your bibliography under References
  5. Set the Bibliographic style as Chicago 17th Notes and Bibliography AnnotatedAPA 6th Annotated, or MLA Annotated.
  6. Set the File Format as RTF (rich text file) - RTF will preserve the page formatting
  7. Click Save
  8. This will open in a Word document on PCs or in Papers on Macs. If on a Mac, open this file through MS Word, then follow the next step.
  9. Select Save As to save the document and switch the Document type from Rich Text Format to Word DocumentRTF to Word