Use this method to create an annotated bibliography of sources from a particular group. Annotations should be added to the Research Notes field.
- Add your annotation to the Research Notes field in EndNote
- Click on the title of a citation in EndNote Web to bring up the Edit Citation page
- Make sure empty fields are showing by clicking Show Empty Fields on the top right
- Research Notes is at the very bottom of the page
- Add all the citations for your bibliography to the same group.
- Click on Format and then Bibliography.
- Choose the group you want to use for your bibliography under References
- Set the Bibliographic style as Chicago 17th Notes and Bibliography Annotated, APA 6th Annotated, or MLA Annotated.
- Set the File Format as RTF (rich text file) - RTF will preserve the page formatting
- Click Save
- This will open in a Word document on PCs or in Papers on Macs. If on a Mac, open this file through MS Word, then follow the next step.
- Select Save As to save the document and switch the Document type from Rich Text Format to Word Document