Cornell University Library. Enter each collection and find "Browse (or View) the collection." Includes: Joe Conzo, Jr. Archive; Ernie Paniccioli Photo Archive; The Numbered Vinyl Records of Afrika Bambaataa; Hip Hop Party and Event Flyers.
2018. Over 200 community members met at the Boston Public Library to share photographs, objects, and memories at “Show ‘Em Whatcha Got” Mass. Memories Road Show: The Hip-Hop Edition. Collected nearly 300 digital images of items ranging from photographs and concert posters to t-shirts and album covers. Recorded more than 40 video interviews with community members. In 2022, the second hip-hop themed Mass. Memories Road Show event captured another 50 images and over 20 video interviews. University of Massachusetts, Boston, Digital Collections, Joseph P. Healey Library