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APA Citations

Annotated Bibliographies

An annotated bibliography is an APA References list that includes a short annotation under each reference. The annotation includes both a summary of the reference AND a critical analysis of the reference as it relates to your research. 

Some resources from the Purdue OWL

Citation Help

If you’re working on an assignment where you need to cite your sources or create a bibliography, the CSB and SJU Libraries can help you! 

EndNote Web Citation Manager

What is EndNote? EndNote is a bibliographic citation manager; it keeps track of your citations and creates a bibliography for you. EndNote is especially useful for larger research projects where you’re citing many different sources. EndNote also includes the Cite-While-You-Write plugin to easily create in-text citations within Microsoft Word.

The "Cite" Feature

The CSB and SJU Libraries’ catalog and many journal databases include a “Cite” feature that lets you select a citation style and then copy and paste a computer-generated citation into your bibliography. Further instructions are available here.