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Zotero Tutorial


Adding PDFs

  • Zotero will automatically download and attach a PDF for your source when one is available.
  • You may manually add PDFs to a source by dragging and dropping the downloaded PDF onto the citation in the middle pane of Zotero.

Using PDFs in Zotero

  1. To access a PDF, click the arrow to the left of the source title in the middle pane of Zotero
  2. Double click on the PDF
  3. This will open the PDF in a new tab of Zotero
  4. You can add notes and highlights in multiple colors when reading PDFs in Zotero. Zotero will remember which page you last viewed when you reopen the PDF

Import Your EndNote Library to Zotero

You may transfer citation information from EndNote to Zotero. Note, this will only move the citation metadata and not any PDFs or other attachments. If you export all of your references at once, you will lose any file structure you established in EndNote.

To Export citations from EndNote Web

  1. Click Format, then Export References
  2. Select the Group you want to export, or All References in My Library
  3. Set the Export Style to RefMan (RIS) Export
  4. Click Save and save the Text file to a known location

To Export Citations From EndNote Desktop

  1. Click File, then Export
  2. Set the output style to RefMan (RIS) Export and save it as a text file to a known location

To Import Citations into Zotero

  1. In Zotero, click File, then Import
  2. Choose A file and click Next
  3. Select your export file from Zotero and click Open
  4. Click Next and then Finish
  5. Your files will be in a new folder with the same name as your EndNote export Text file
  6. Data from any fields not recognized by Zotero, such as author affiliation, will be attached as Notes.