Task 1: Official Project Start, Teams Formed
Task 2: Establish Contact with Your Teammates
Task 3: Meet Your Teammates
Task 4: Select Client Organization (OK to change the client organization later)
Task 5: Report Section 1
Task 6: Report Section 2
Task 7: Report Section 3
Task 8: Complete draft of your team report*
Task 9: Final report**
Task 10: Post-project survey
What is X-Culture?
CSB and SJU Facilitator: Deborah Pembleton
Students taking Prof. Deborah Pembleton's International Organizational Behavior course (GBUS 330) will be able to apply for and enroll in X-Culture Training as CSB and SJU Affiliated Students:
How it Will Work:
Sign up for a free Mango account with you CSB and SJU email!
This online language learning resource provides step-by-step lessons for 70+ different languages, as well as ESL lessons for English-language learners.