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Digital Scholarship / Digital Humanities

Resources to support scholarly and creative work in digital environments


Adams, Jennifer L. and Kevin B. Gunn.  "Digital Humanities: Where to Start" College & Research Libraries News vol. 73 no. 9 536-569 (October 2012).  An overview of tools and resources. 

Adams, Jennifer L and Kevin B. Gunn. Keeping Up With ... Digital Humanities.  Association of College & Research Libraries guide to resources in digital humanities.  (2013)

Arts and Humanities in Higher Education  vol 11 no.1-2 (February 2012).  Special Double Issue: Digital Humanities, Digital Futures. 

Bonds, E. Leigh. "Listening in on the Conversations: An Overview of Digital Humanities Pedagogy." CEA Critic 76, 2 July 2014.

DeBats, Donald A.  "Political Consequences of Spatial Organization:Contrasting Patterns in Two Nineteenth-Century Small CitiesSocial Science History 35 no. 4: 505-541 (2011).   An example of GIS applied to historical data visualization. 

Pannapacker, William.  "No More Indiana Jones WarehousesChronicle of Higher Education online.  (November 26, 2012). A primer on how to use the digital humanities in undergraduate research. 

Parry, Marc.  "How the Humanities Compute in the ClassroomChronicle of Higher Education online.  (January 6, 2014).  The first in a group of related stories about challenges and opportunities of digital humanities. 

Schonfeld, Roger C and Jennifer Rutner.  Supporting the Changing Research Practices of Historians.  (December 7, 2012).  From Ithaka S & R, This study explores areas such as content discovery, information management, scholarly analysis, collaboration, library use, the writing process, professional interactions, and publication, among others.