Adams, Jennifer L. and Kevin B. Gunn. "Digital Humanities: Where to Start" College & Research Libraries News vol. 73 no. 9 536-569 (October 2012). An overview of tools and resources.
Adams, Jennifer L and Kevin B. Gunn. Keeping Up With ... Digital Humanities. Association of College & Research Libraries guide to resources in digital humanities. (2013)
Arts and Humanities in Higher Education vol 11 no.1-2 (February 2012). Special Double Issue: Digital Humanities, Digital Futures.
Bonds, E. Leigh. "Listening in on the Conversations: An Overview of Digital Humanities Pedagogy." CEA Critic 76, 2 July 2014.
DeBats, Donald A. "Political Consequences of Spatial Organization:Contrasting Patterns in Two Nineteenth-Century Small Cities" Social Science History vol. 35 no. 4: 505-541 (2011). An example of GIS applied to historical data visualization.
Pannapacker, William. "No More Indiana Jones Warehouses" Chronicle of Higher Education online. (November 26, 2012). A primer on how to use the digital humanities in undergraduate research.
Parry, Marc. "How the Humanities Compute in the Classroom" Chronicle of Higher Education online. (January 6, 2014). The first in a group of related stories about challenges and opportunities of digital humanities.
Schonfeld, Roger C and Jennifer Rutner. Supporting the Changing Research Practices of Historians. (December 7, 2012). From Ithaka S & R, This study explores areas such as content discovery, information management, scholarly analysis, collaboration, library use, the writing process, professional interactions, and publication, among others.