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How to create an Omeka digital library and exhibit

Access the CSB+SJU Omeka Site

Go to, log in, and then select "Manage Site":

Omeka Manage Site

Adding Items

Choose "Add a new item"

Add Item

Complete the following fields in the Dublin Core tab:

  • Title:
  • Description: What is the image/resource about?
  • Creator: Who is the author/photographer?
  • Source: Where did you find the image/resource? Who took the original photo?
  • Publisher: What website did you find the image/resource on? Is it a company or magazine that supplied the image/resource? 
  • Date: What is the creation or publication date of the image/resource?
  • Rights: Either the Creative Commons License “CC BY-NC”, etc. OR “These images are for educational use only” goes here.
    • Citations will also go in this field. 
    • “Citation: Last name, First name. Title. Date, Location of image/website, URL.”  
  • Leave the rest of the fields blank – they will not show on the item.
Choose the Item Type Metadata tab: 

In the dropdown box, select the type of the uploaded file: still image, text, sound, or moving image

Choose the "Files" tab

Add your file to the Omeka site: (maximum file size is 128MB)

Use the "Choose File" button to select your image/video/sound file

Optional: Choose the "Tags" tab

You can assign tag(s) to your item as a way to organize sets of materials. This is optional because the primary organizational method is to assign things to Collections.

Find the "Add Item" box

A simple way to organize sets of items is by assigning them to Collections. If have a collection already, select it here

Check "Public" (if you see it)

Select "Add Item"

Check your item

Select "Items" in the sidebar to look at your item and check the metadata