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The Importance of Zines

Zines capture a culture in a way that mainstream, conventional and often exclusionary models of publishing cannot hope to achieve. Zines have been described as ‘underground texts‘ and talk about hyper-localised stories told by those who are often ‘on the periphery’ of society. Zines represent stories being told by people in the way that they want to tell them. That unfiltered voice. The power of expression. These are creative voices in the process of finding themselves. Sometimes it might not be perfect – sometimes it might stumble and falter and slip – but it’s there. It bursts with life. It tells a story that needs to be told by the people who need to tell it. 

Zines are personal and political publications on activism, anarchism, body image, third wave feminism, gender, parenting, queer community, riot grrrl, sexual assault, trans experience, and other topics. (From