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What are Zines?

Zines (pronounced like "magazines" without the "maga") are:

  • Made for the love of creating and not for profit!
  • Independently published
  • Can be physical (consisting of one sheet of paper to many, fastened together, generally with staples) or digital objects.
    • Physical zines are usually photocopied but can also be offset, mimeographed, letterpressed, or Risograph printed.
  • May be created by one person or a group of people (called "comp zines" or "compilation zines").
  • The contents can be about anything and everything you can imagine: personal stories ("perzines"), music-related writing, lists of things, political ideologies, photography, mental health and self-care tips, fiction, artwork, comics, and so on. 
  • Are made by a diverse community of people around the world , from people of all ages and walks of life. People who make zines are called "zinesters".

Wrekk, Alex. Stolen Sharpie Revolution : A Diy Resource for Zines and Zine Culture. Sixth ed., Lunchroom Publishing, 2020.

(Image from 

Why are Zines Important?

Why are zines important?

  • Zines provide spaces for marginalized voices and stories that are excluded from traditional publishing
  • Zines challenge us to think about authority in differing contexts
  • Zines reframe topics we talk about in class and life  
  • Zines allow us to channel our thoughts creatively into art

-from Conner-Gaten, A. (2019). Zines 101 [PowerPoint slides].

Let's Talk About Zines

Quarantine Public Library