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What is Restorative Justice?

"Restorative justice (RJ) is a philosophical approach that embraces the reparation of harm, healing of trauma, reconciliation of interpersonal conflict, reduction of social inequality, and reintegration of people who have been marginalized and outcast. RJ embraces community empowerment and participation, multipartial facilitation, active accountability, and social support. A central practice of restorative justice is a collaborative decision-making process that includes harmed parties, people who caused harm, and others to seek a resolution that includes: (a) accepting and acknowledging responsibility for harmful behavior, (b) repairing the harm caused to individuals and the community, and (c) working to rebuild trust by showing understanding of the harm, addressing personal issues, and building positive social connections." 




Interested in finding additional resources? Try these subject heading links:

  • Healing circles.
  • Restorative justice.
  • Restorative justice United States.
  • Community-based corrections.
  • Conflict management.
  • Interpersonal conflict.
  • Universities and colleges Discipline.