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CSB & SJU Libraries and Archives Student Advisory Board



Students will weigh in on agenda items proposed by the library staff and advisory board. Student members will act as liaisons between fellow students and the libraries. Students will need to attend monthly meetings and may be asked to participate at events. A question you will be asked is, "How can the Libraries & Archives better facilitate a sense of belonging and connection to your peers, staff, and faculty?".

Meetings Schedule:

Why a CSB and SJU Libraries & Archives Student Advisory Board?

Why a CSB and SJU Libraries & Archives Student Advisory Board?

The CSB and SJU Libraries & Archives Student Advisory Board is a leadership opportunity for students who wish to have a voice in shaping the work of the Libraries & Archives. The advisory board will help Libraries & Archives’ staff provide services and collections that are informed by student needs and grounded in positive student experiences. Members of the advisory board will discuss programming, services, library spaces, collections, and much more. Creating a group of students that can advocate for both their peers and the Libraries & Archives will help us make positive and meaningful changes to our work and build rich relationships with our students.

“When students are involved on campus, they develop relationships with faculty, staff and fellow students that improve their experiences at the institution.” (Linsay, Datig,, 2016, p. 56)

What students can offer:

  • Legitimacy – by having students involved in the decision-making process, our library can ensure that the collections, services, programming, etc. are truly student-centered.
  • Market Intelligence – students are immersed in current trends and can share information about the different technologies and behaviors that shape their information seeking and usage.
  • Access to Data – students can let us know about complaints and engage in conversations with their peers about how the library is used (or ignored) and let us know about research and study habits.
  • Expertise – students know what will get the attention of other students.
  • Industry Reach – industry power that students have as a peer influencer.

(Dorney, 2013)
