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Library Guide for International Students


The library staff of CSB and SJU is committed to assisting all library users in finding information, developing strategies for conducting effective library research, and learning how to use the library and its resources. Library staff will attempt to accommodate the needs of our users.

As an international student studying in another culture and educational system, you may have some difficulties conducting research because our services are somewhat different from those in your own country. This guide will introduce you to our library services,.

Library Liasion to the Intercultural & International Student Services is Sarah Gewirtz, Social Sciences Librarian, Clemens Library, rm.B103. She can be contacted at, 320-363-5802, or fill out a research appointment request. Please contact her with questions regarding our services or if you need research help.

Important Library Information

Common Library Terms

A list of common library terms you may not be familiar with: