What is Digital Commons@CSBSJU?

Read about CSB and SJU's Repository, Digital Commons@CSBSJU and the Open Access movement.


Contribution Form

Use these procedures to let Digital Commons staff do the work for your submissions.

Create Your Own Account and Do It Yourself


Contact a member of the Digital Commons Committee at Clemens and Alcuin Libraries, or your Departmental Liaison Librarian for more information:

David Wuolu (dwuolu@csbsju.edu), chair

Jonathan Carlson (jcarlson@csbsju.edu)

Peggy Roske (proske@csbsju.edu)

Bennett Frensko (bfrensko@csbsju.edu)

Adam Bauer (abauer@csbsju.edu)




Open Access 101, from SPARC