Citation Tools

These tools help you manage your citations and develop bibliographies.

  • Zotero is citation management software with a free desktop application with plug-ins for all major browsers to easily collect your sources. You can cite your sources in both Word and Google Docs.

  • The Zotero Tutorial will get you started and answer general questions.

A note for EndNote users, we will be discontinuing support after Spring 2024, but in the meantime there are still resources available:

  • EndNote Web and its Cite While You Write plug-in allow you to easily create in-text citations within Microsoft Word. At the same time, they compile a reference page for you in Word using only the sources that you’ve cited in your paper.

  • The EndNote Tutorial will get you started and answer general questions.

Online MLA Resources

Besides the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, these sites offer online explanations and examples of MLA style: